
Rajat Yadav

CS Grad, Software Developer, Cloud Engineer, Front End Developer, Back End Developer, Full Stack Developer, Apps Designer


About Me

Software Developer

Software developer at comcast with proficiency in many programming languages and technologies like AWS, Docker, Jenkins, Git, Linux, AI and egar to keep learning more and more!

Interested in pursuing roles in software development.

Name: Rajat Yadav
Birthday: June 6, 1998
Education: MS In Software Engineering
Experience: 2 Years
Phone: +1 (602) 815-4423
Email: ryadav17@asu.edu
Location: Tempe, Arizona USA
Current Requirement: Full Time Starting Immediately


Education & Experience

My Education

Master's In Software Engineering

Arizona State University | 2021 - 2023

Relevant Courses - Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms, Languages and Programming Paradigms, Software Agility (Projects), Semantic Web Engineering, Software Design, Requirements and Specifications

Graduate Teaching Assistant - Instructed and led Software Design, Object Oriented Programming and Software Testing Courcesalong with creating automated scripts for assignment grading.

Bachelor's In Information Technology

Vellore Institure of Technology | 2017 - 2021

Relevant Courses - Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating Systems, Database Management Systems, Object Oriented Programming, Software Testing, Data Communication and Computer Networks, Network and Information Security

University Special Achiever 2019 and 2020

My Expericence

Software Developer

Comcast | Philadelphia, PA | 2024

Developed software pipelines in C++, bash, Linux for development of streaming services like Peacock, Hulu and ESPN.

Integrated Address sanitizers with CMake and shell scripts resulting in detection of over 12 crucial memory leaks.

Created a Jenkins CI/CD pipeline for JUnit GTests (L1), Pytests (L2) & L3 to increase production accuracy by over 30%.

Managed and led the deployment of the Jenkins server on AWS EC2 instance while defining security protocols.

Deployed production server docker containers in virtual machines with appropriate TCP/IP network protocols.

Collaborated and delivered high stake softwares with agile practices making use of Jira, Git, Jenkins et cetera.

Software Developer Intern

Shoptaki | New York, NY (Remote) | 2023

Constructed a full stack application on react framework for frontend with node.js backend and ArangoDB database.

Implemented JWT and OAuth for secure user authorization, ensuring confidentiality and 99.9% user data integrity.

Demonstrated problem solving by identifying and resolving over 25 critical bugs in the application pipeline.

Containerized the application and enhanced the user experience with LTSM-driven personalisation using AI.

Software Developer

Project Human City | Toronto, ON (Remote - US) | 2023

Built a mobile application using React Native and Unity with C# by creating a CI/CD pipeline.

Developed a QR code scanner and interactive AR features using Computer Vision, Vuforia library and 8thWall.

Led and managed the team to write functional tests and fix memory leaks.

Software Engineering Intern

Noida Metro Rail Corporation | New Delhi, DL | 2020

Analyzed over 200 hours of CCTV footage and used a trained model to perform data analysis to detect hotspots where social distancing was not followed using various patterns such as location - time.

Worked well independently and managed a team of 10 to solve problems.

As a result, social distancing patterns and defaulters were detected. Crowding reduced by over 31%

Software Development Intern

Defense R&D Organization | New Delhi, DL | 2019

Worked in a team of 12 to survey and interview the stakeholders in order to brainstorm the requirements for developing a touch screen user interface to record the lab readings for research candidates.

Developed 15 + touch screen user interfaces using react and Django.

Time required to take the lab records reduced by over 70% and the data was stored in an encrypted backend server.


My Skills



My Work

Advanced Resource Scaling of Distributed Services on Cloud (2022)

Achieved elasticity and handled load variability for an application by defining auto scaling strategies. Containerized the application using Docker, deployed it on a Kubernetes cluster, and achieved a throughput of 70k requests per second within the budget of $0.70 per hour. Identified downstream service failure, routed traffic away from failed nodes, scaled it up in a multi-cloud environment.

Scrum Metrics (2022)

Built a front-end GUI on a docker container using Angular and integrated it with API calls of other created microservices containing a scrum metric of a taiga project. Optimized UI for naive users to view agile metrics at one place. Slashed the user time consumption by 40%.

Disease Prediction Using Entity Extraction (2022)

Developed an application capable of detecting any disease from any unstructured text, based on mentioned symptoms and/or treatments or vice-versa using entity extraction from a trained machine learning model on python. Implemented a frontend UI using react.js to input the symptoms data and output the predicted disease.

Automated Smart Rover (2022)

Constructed a rover on Unity and ROS, which moves in randomly generated mazes with a random start and end point. Rover moves around based on the dynamic sonar sensor data collected in real Time. Decreased installation time by 90% by creating automated scripts

SCRAV (2022)

Made a programming language of our own with our own defined grammar, parsed by a parser, which then goes through a lexical analysis for evaluation of the syntax and semantics.

SAMS (2021)

Built a prototype system using ATmega168 microchip and temperature/light sensors with LEDs, buzzers and mobile devices as actuators. Coded in C and python language to push notifications in case of hazardous temperature/brightness using slack API along with sending LED and buzzer warnings.

Guet (2022)

Played around with guet tool to make pair programming easy in git by making a GUI, integrating with Taiga and Slack by getting the API calls and adding several more automations to manual commands.

AR in Brand Building (2019)

Developed an AR interface using unity software in C# where customers can see the actual product on their mobile phones from anywhere.



Augmented Reality in Brand Building and Marketing – Valves Industry

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

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Study for the best provisional storage technology

International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

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5G - Current developments and what to expect

International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

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Extra Curr

Extra Curricular & Volunteer Work

Photo 1
Engineer and Manager at Team Jaabaz

● Programmed and tested sensors of an ATV with a car manufacturing team of 21 students.

● Secured 4th position worldwide at BAJA SAE California 2019 among approximately 100 teams

● Managed and led a team of 22 juniors. Slashed the management cost by 30%.

Photo 2
Core Committee Member

● Raised money for organizing events in the petroleum industry.

● Represented my university in Indonesia at a conference on environment impacts of petroleum extraction.

Photo 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Volunteer

● COVID - 19 vaccine volunteer for research purposes under phase 2 trials of India's first COVID-19 vaccine candidates - Covaxin along with 380 other volunteers nationwide.